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openHAB and iblinds
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openHAB and iblinds  

Member Admin

Most open-source controllers, including openHAB poll (send Z-Wave GET) immediately following a Z-Wave position command (Z-Wave SET) (see Z-Wave packet sniffer image below). While this is fine for most devices such as dimmable light bulbs having the poll trigger immediately following the position command can cause iblinds to experience undesired behavior.

First, you should make sure you have a current copy of the openHab Z-Wave database.  We've created an iblinds specific device handler-

Then for each iblinds device set the Command Poll Period to "Disabled"  and change the polling period to 6,8 or 12 hours to poll the device for the current battery level. 



This topic was modified 5 years ago 2 times by Admin
Posted : 03/11/2019 11:10 pm
stephanie liked
New Member

I know this is an old post but for anyone looking to integrate OpenHAB with their blinds, here is an example of what I've done.  I have version 3.1 of the blinds which, first of all, required me to use the latest snapshot 3.2.0 of the zwave binding as the blinds have a new manufacturer reference 0004:0072.  The original reference for the v3 blinds was 0004:0071 and can be found in the older 3.1.x zwave binding.  That said, if you have v2 of the blinds you shouldn't have to update the zwave binding.  Now onto the goodies.  I assume, of course, that you have already joined the blinds to your zwave network.


Item Configruation:

//This is a switch that groups all blinds into one switch.  This allows me to turn on/off all blinds with one switch.
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF)        allblinds                       "All Binds"                                             (Home)                                  ["Lighting"]

//This is the on/off switch for a blind
Switch GF_Office_Blinds "Office Blinds" (GF_Office,allblinds) ["Lighting"] {channel="zwave:device:xxxxxxxx:node42:switch_binary"} //This dimmer config allows me to set a percent open/closed I'd like.
Dimmer GF_Office_Blinds_Dim "Office Blinds" (GF_Office) ["Lighting"] {channel="zwave:device:xxxxxxxx:node42:blinds_control"} //This item gets the battery charge level for the blind
Number GF_Office_Blinds_Battery "Office Blinds Battery" (GF_Office) {channel="zwave:device:xxxxxxxx:node42:battery-level"}  


Rule Example:

In this example, I turn on/off the blinds when it's sun down or sun up.


rule "Night Mode"

	Channel 'astro:sun:home:civilDusk#event' triggered START
	sendCommand(nightmode, ON)
	sendCommand(GF_Office_Blinds, OFF)
	sendCommand(GF_DiningRoom_Blinds, OFF)

rule "Night Mode Off"
	Channel 'astro:sun:home:civilDawn#event' triggered START
       	sendCommand(nightmode, OFF)
        sendCommand(GF_Office_Blinds, ON)
        sendCommand(GF_DiningRoom_Blinds, ON)


Sitemap Config:

//This item will give you a switch bound to the grouped items allblinds
Frame label="All Blinds" icon="blinds" {
        Switch item=allblinds label="All Blinds" icon="blinds"

//Because I have grouped my blinds with the GF_Office group, I just call the group in the sitemap to display all items in the GF_Office group with the following Frame label="Ground Floor" icon="groundfloor" { Group item=GF_Office


Hope this helps someone.


Posted : 07/12/2021 10:04 pm